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Best Supplements for Circulation - What Supplements Help Improve Blood Flow?

Posted on June 06, 2024

best supplements for circulation


Do you frequently suffer from fatigue, aches and pains, cold fingers or toes, cramping, or have a burning or tingling sensation? If so, you may be one of the millions of adults suffering from poor circulation.

Poor circulation, simply put, refers to the condition where blood is not able to properly flow through the body. This can occur due to a blockage, weakened blood vessels, another health condition, or other reasons.

When poor circulation occurs, the organs and tissues in your body may not receive enough oxygen and blood, causing impaired function and potential tissue damage.

It is essential poor circulation is addressed to ensure properly nutrient and oxygen delivery to your organs and tissues. Thankfully, it doesn’t require expensive procedures or side-effect laden prescription drugs. In fact, there are a number of supplements that can help improve circulation.

We’ll take a look at the best supplements to improve blood flow below.

Best Supplements for Circulation

Studies have found several vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements may help address poor circulation.

Keep in mind, supplements are not a cure for poor circulation, but many can make notable improvements in blood flow.

Here are the best supplements for circulation:

  • L-arginine
  • Beetroot
  • Olive leaf extract
  • Capsaicin
  • Ginger
  • Resveratrol


Arginine is an important amino acid that primarily acts as a vasodilator, which opens up arteries and improves blood flow.

In a review of over a dozen studies, arginine demonstrated the ability to act as a precursor for nitric oxide, or NO. NO is a natural vasodilator that is known to improve the delivery of oxygen and blood to organs and tissues. Increasing NO may directly improve blood pressure and overall blood flow.

In one study in adults with peripheral arterial disease, arginine successfully raised NO levels and improved artery function in the lower half of the body, leading to better blood flow in the participants. In this same study, arginine supplementation caused zero side effects.


Beetroot supplements are all the rage, especially amongst athletes and fitness enthusiasts. This seems in part due to beetroot’s benefits for blood flow during exercise.

Like arginine, beetroot has been shown to increase NO levels. Beets are a natural source of nitrates, a group of important chemicals. Nitrates are directly converted into nitric oxide and the nitrates in beetroot have been shown to raise NO levels more effectively than traditional NO boosters like arginine or citrulline.

In one study, athletes given beetroot juice “significantly enhanced” endurance by increasing how long it takes to feel exhausted. In a similar study, cyclists given beets improved their oxygen use up to 20%, leading to better performance and endurance.

Beetroot also appears to support digestion, immunity, brain health, and healthier blood pressure.

Olive leaf extract

Olive leaf extract has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties, which makes it perfect to improve overall health. However, it contains an active ingredient called oleuropein, which has tremendous heart benefits.

In a study from 2017, olive leaf extract significantly lowered blood pressure in adults with hypertension. Other research has found olive leaf extract can have positive effects on atherosclerosis, which is the highest risk factor for heart disease.

Other studies have found olive leaf extract supports healthy weight management, helps support blood sugar control, and may even speed up the healing of wounds.


Capsaicin is the bioactive compound found in peppers that gives peppers their heat. It is one of the best natural metabolism boosters because in induces a calorie-burning process known as thermogenesis.

According to some research, capsaicin can help to open up the blood vessels and stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Other studies have found it has a positive effect on atherosclerosis.

Topical capsaicin has also been shown to improve blood flow. In one study, a capsaicin based cream applied directly on the skin resulted In better blood flow response compared to a placebo.


Ginger is a popular spice that is believed to promote various aspects of heart health, including circulation.

In one study, men with atherosclerosis were given either a placebo or ginger. At the conclusion of the study, men who took ginger saw significant improvements in lipoprotein(a), a specific type of LDL cholesterol that contributes to poor blood flow in those with atherosclerosis.

Another study found ginger supplementation may expand blood vessels, increasing blood flow. In addition, ginger has digestive and immune system benefits as well.


Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in berries, dark chocolate, and most notably – grapes. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is often touted as a natural anti-aging ingredient.

According to recent clinical research, it may help lower blood pressure by improving blood flow.  In a 2015 review, researchers concluded resveratrol could reduce the pressure exerted on artery walls – also known as systolic blood pressure. It appeared to do so by enhancing nitric oxide production. 

Other studies have found resveratrol may help the body eliminate blood fats, which contribute to the buildup of plaque in arteries, leading to impaired blood flow.